我新到TeetCity, 遇到一些麻烦。 我有一个配置, 构建一个 Windows安装软件包( MSI) 。 它可以对其他配置建立合并模块( 用于构建 MSI 的装置) 。 即使合并模块最后的建设成功, 其源代码也已经改变, 但每次我建立 MSI 时, 它们的源代码仍然会得到重建。 我希望合并模块能够< em> 而不是 em> 重建, 如果它们的源代码自上次成功构建以来还没有改变的话 。
- In the dependency options, I m picking "Do not run new build if there is a suitable one" and "Only use successful builds from suitable ones". All the merge modules build successfully.
- We re using Subversion 1.7 and TeamCity 5.1.5 (can t upgrade easily at the moment).
- Unrelated changes from elsewhere in the repository are showing up as associated with my configurations. Could that be the issue, and if so, how to fix?
- All of the build configurations mentioned here have the same VCS roots and checkout rules. All VCS roots are set to "Full support (load changes and checkout)".
- A large portion of the repository is being checked out because some of those files are referenced in the MSI.
- Let me know if there is any more information I should include here.