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基于 java 文本的战争卡游戏 [关闭]
原标题:War card game in java text based [closed]

我需要一些帮助, 在 java 创建一个战争卡游戏。 我对阵列Lists 相当缺乏经验, 我猜这就是我需要用来从电脑卡片阵列和用户卡片阵列中 添加和删除卡片。

有没有人能帮个忙, 说明我应该采取的步骤, 以及我可以用来打印、比较卡片等的阵列列表方法?

守则是欢迎的,我有点 新的这一点!

谢谢 谢谢

  1. Consider making some sort of Card object that will handle all of the suits and values.
  2. Create an ArrayList<Card> to hold the cards in.
  3. Implement the logic of the game:
    1. Dequeue cards from the front of the ArrayList using ArrayList.remove(int), and enqueue them using ArrayList.add(Object).
    2. Consider what happens during a turn. Each Card must have a weight.
    3. Consider what happens when two cards of equal weight are placed down. What do you do then?

把这些东西弄走。 代码可以稍后来 。 另外, 请查看 Java API 的 < a href=" http://docs. oracle. com/javase/7/ docs/ api/ java/ util/ ArrayList. html" rel = “ nofolve" {code> ArrayList ; 这将帮助您很多 。

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