English 中文(简体)
原标题:generating mean values to empty cells
  • 时间:2012-05-23 21:00:41
  •  标签:
  • spss

我是SPSS的新人, 我试图为空单元格生成平均值( 基本上以用户给出的平均回答填入缺失的信息), 我无法使用示例代码( 或很好地理解示例 ) 。

COMPUTE QOL_puutt = Nmiss(ass, bass, grass, gas).


Do repeat A  = ass1 ass2  ass3. If ((Missing (A)) & QOL_puutt <= 4) A
= RND(Mean (ass1, ass2, ass3)).  End repeat.

这里出问题了 。 我理解屁股1, 屁股2, 屁股3 是指单元格( 列屁股3行) 吗? 这是错误代码?

Error # 4285 in column 15. Text: ass1 Incorrect variable name: either the name is more than 64 characters, or it is not defined by a previous command. Execution of this command stops.

Error # 4285 in column 15. Text: ass2 Incorrect variable name: either the name is more than 64 characters, or it is not defined by a previous command. Execution of this command stops.

Error # 4285 in column 15. Text: ass3 Incorrect variable name: either the name is more than 64 characters, or it is not defined by a previous command. Execution of this command stops

Its a little hard to tell what the code is due to the wrapping, but you can simplify it like this do repeatA = ass1 ass2 ass3. if missing(A) A = mean(ass, bass, grass, gas). end repeat.

If all the values are missing, mean will return sysmis automatically. If you want to require a certain number of nonmissing values, say, 2, you could write the statement as if missing(A) A = mean.2(ass, bass, grass, gas).

HTH, Jon Peck

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