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哪里可以报告 git 臭虫
原标题:Where can I report a git bug
  • 时间:2012-05-23 21:26:52
  •  标签:
  • git

我正在尝试使用 mailmap. file config 选项进行 git 。 路径没有扩展, 也就是说, 我无法写入 $HOME/.mailmap 。 如果您正在将您的点文件与 < a href= > 同步, https:// github.com/ technologles/ homesick > > > homesick , 并且正在使用相同的.gitconfig 用于 Windows, OS X 和 Linux 。

我找不到任何git 的窃听器, 我不想用这种方式对 git 邮件列表进行垃圾邮件扫描。 我该如何报告这种错误/ 最小的烦恼?


TLDR; 以 < a href=" https://public-inbox.org/git/fe75d24-344b-4c9b-b08f-af12f3beff11@app.fastmail.com/T/#u" rel="nofollow noreferrer" 命名, 在 Git 邮件地址列表 中提及 :

  1. Run git bugreport
  2. Edit the file by filling out the blanks and removing irrelevant stuff (follow the instructions)
  3. Post the report as an inline plaintext email to [email protected] (again: plaintext, not HTML)

“http://code.google.com/p/git-core/” Rel=“不跟随 nofolrer” >code google git-core _/a> (由>>>Charles Bailey ,其中指出>>>。

使用电子邮件地址,可向邮件地址列表发送对 Git 社群的问题或评论。错误报告应发送到此邮件列表 。

("https://lore.kernel.org/git/"rel="不跟随 noreferrer"> 邮件列表归档 )

更新 Q2 2020 时, 您现在有一个实际的 < enger * code> git bugreport < /code* /strong > 命令( 见下文结尾)

2015年更新:最新参考资料仍然是Git 社区页面 ,作为

You do not need to subscribe: you will be Cc d in replies.
Please keep the Cc list intact when replying (use "Reply to all").
Greylisting may delay your first post for a few hours.

请注意, 邮件服务器会拒绝 HTML 含有“ 永久失败” 信件的 HTML 信件, 所以使用纯文本 。

社群页面也指出“' http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/%7Esgtatham/bugs.html' rel=“不跟随无查询者''' 如何有效报告错误 ......”

如果您想要 < 坚固 > 贡献一个补丁 < / 坚固 >, 现在就转到 < a href=" https:// github.com/rtyley/submitgit" rel= “ 不随从 noreferr" \\\ penge{code>rtyley/submitgit

If you create a pull request on github.com/git/git/, submitGit can send it to the mailing list for you, correctly formatting the patches.
The discussion stays where it is—on the list—but at least that initial step is a little easier.

Update 2015: Git For Windows now lives on GitHub (github.com/git-for-windows), and produces very recent releases: 2.4.2+.
Msysgit is phased out, using msys2 64-bits, and resulting in git-for-windows.github.io instead of the old and now obsolete msysgit.github.io.

GitHub 镜像 repo 图像 < a href="https://gitub.com/git/git/git" rel= "nofollow noreferrer" > >git/git 存在,但不幸的是,没有用于问题或拉动请求。

更新 2019 : submitGit 还有一个替代方案:GitGadget

See commit c3a7dd7 (12 Mar 2019) by Jeff King (peff).
(Merged by Junio C Hamano -- gitster -- in commit 2d33728, 09 Apr 2019)

point pull requesters to GitGitGadget

In the contributing guide and PR template seen by people who open pull requests on GitHub, we mention the submitGit tool, which gives an alternative to figuring out the mailing list.
These days we also have the similar GitGitGadget tool, and we should make it clear that this is also an option.

We could continue to mention both tools, but it s probably better to pick one in order to avoid overwhelming the user with choice.
After all, one of the purposes here is to reduce friction for first-time or infrequent contributors.

更喜欢GGG 有几个理由:

  1. submitGit seems to still have a few rough edges. E.g., it doesn t munge timestamps to help threaded mail readers handled out-of-order delivery.
  2. Subjectively, GGG seems to be more commonly used on the list these days, especially by list regulars.
  3. GGG seems to be under more active development (likely related to point 2).

So let s actually swap out submitGit for GGG.
While we re there, let s put another link to the GGG page in the PR template, because that s where users who are learning about it for the first time will want to go. to read more.

在Git 2.25 (Q1 2020)中,有一个关于对象查点的辅导,为如何贡献/测试/报告错误提供了一个良好范例。

See commit e0479fa (11 Oct 2019) by Emily Shaffer (nasamuffin).
(Merged by Junio C Hamano -- gitster -- in commit 15d9f3d, 10 Nov 2019)

documentation: add tutorial for object walking

签名:Emily Shaffer < /sup >
Helped-by: Eric Sunshine

Existing documentation on object walks seems to be primarily intended as a reference for those already familiar with the procedure.
This tutorial attempts to give an entry-level guide to a couple of bare-bones object walks so that new Git contributors can learn the concepts without having to wade through options parsing or special casing.

The target audience is a Git contributor who is just getting started with the concept of object walking.
The goal is to prepare this contributor to be able to understand and modify existing commands which perform revision walks more easily, although it will also prepare contributors to create new commands which perform walks.

The tutorial covers a basic overview of the structs involved during object walk, setting up a basic commit walk, setting up a basic all-object walk, and adding some configuration changes to both walk types.
It intentionally does not cover how to create new commands or search for options from the command line or gitconfigs.

rel=“不跟随 Noreferrerr>>https://github.com/nasamuffin/git/tree/revwalk 上有一个相关的补丁,该补丁载有本教程产生的代码的参考执行。

注:Git 2.27 (Q2 2020)对辅导进行了修改:

See commit e3f53ce (28 Mar 2020) by Johannes Schindelin (dscho).
(Merged by Junio C Hamano -- gitster -- in commit 7780604, 22 Apr 2020)

MyFirstObjectWalk: remove unnecessary conditional statement

Signed-off-by: Johannes Schindelin
经审查:Emily Shaffer

在给定例子中, commit 不能是 NULLL (因为这是循环条件:如果是 NULLL ,则循环体不会被输入)。 开发者花了一两秒钟才看到它因此是死代码。


Git 2.25 (Q1 2020),“强”GitGatget

See commit 3c8d754, commit 3ada78d, commit 4ed5562 (31 Oct 2019) by Emily Shaffer (nasamuffin).
(Merged by Junio C Hamano -- gitster -- in commit f089ddd, 01 Dec 2019)

myfirstcontrib: hint to find gitgitgadget allower

签名:Emily Shaffer < /sup >

GitGitGadget, 将针对 Git 的拉动请求转换为 Git-mail- list- 友好- patch- emails 的实用工具, 要求所有新用户在为该新用户做任何事情之前, 由现有用户“ code>/ allow 将所有新用户都“ dcode > 化为“ dcode > / allow

While this tutorial explained that mechanism, it did not give much hint on how to go about finding someone to allow your new pull request.
So, teach our new GitGitGadget user where to look for someone who can add their name to the list.

此补丁中的建议基于对 GitGitGadget 的建议: < a href="https://github.com/gitgittgadget/gitgittgadget/ gitgitgadget/pull/138" rel= “ nofollow noreferrer"\\code>gitgittgadget/gitgitgadget PR 138

Git 2.25 (Q1 2020)为邮件列表存档和nntp 服务提供了文件更新。

See commit 3eae30e, commit 46c6749 (27 Nov 2019) by Jeff King (peff).
(Merged by Junio C Hamano -- gitster -- in commit 3b3d9ea, 06 Dec 2019)

doc: replace public-inbox links with lore.kernel.org

签名:Jeff King < /sup >

Since we re now recommending lore.kernel.org (and because the public-inbox.org domain might eventually go away), let s update our internal references to use it, too.
That future-proofs our references, and sets the example we want people to follow.

见“,这是针对Git 撰稿者的;请求帮助共同获得第一笔捐款是该频道的专栏。还提到一些公约,以防人们不熟悉 IRC 。

由于辅导名单和是Git贡献者的子集,最后列出main Git list 并提及一些张贴公约。


MyFirstContribution: rephrase contact info

签名:Emily Shaffer < /sup >
Reviewed-by: Jonathan Nieder

尽量不要阻止新用户将问题邮寄至 man page 中:

Reviewers may ask you about what you wrote in the patchset, either in the proposed commit log message or in the changes themselves. You should answer these questions in your response messages, but often the reason why reviewers asked these questions to understand what you meant to write is because your patchset needed clarification to be understood.

Do not be satisfied by just answering their questions in your response and hear them say that they now understand what you wanted to say. Update your patches to clarify the points reviewers had trouble with, and prepare your v2; the words you used to explain your v1 to answer reviewers questions may be useful thing to use. Your goal is to make your v2 clear enough so that it becomes unnecessary for you to give the same explanation to the next person who reads it.

Git 2.30 (Q1 2021)中,删除了使用非 reentrant 当地时间()

See commit 4f6460d (30 Nov 2020) by Taylor Blau (ttaylorr).
(Merged by Junio C Hamano -- gitster -- in commit bb48056, 08 Dec 2020)

builtin/bugreport.c: use thread-safe localtime_r()

签署:泰勒·布劳 < /sup >

To generate its filename, the git bugreport (man) builtin asks the system for the current time with localtime() .
Since this uses a shared buffer, it is not thread-safe.

尽管>git bugrerererereport >>man/a>) 不是多读的,使用loctime() 可以触发一些静分析工具进行投诉,快速

$ git grep -oh  localtime(_.)?  -- **/*.c | sort | uniq -c  

显示线索- 不安全本地时间的唯一用法是在一个文档中 。

所以,将这个实例转换为使用线索安全版本来保持一致性, 并安抚一些分析工具。


使用 git bugreport 来使用标准模板构建电子邮件主体 。

将生成的文本文件复制到电子邮件正文中,并将其发送至[email protected] 。请务必将其发送为普通文本 -- HTML 将反弹(见https://www.dummies.com/software/other-software/10-usegf-mail-ress/ ,如果使用GMail)。

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