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SQL 使用 ODBC 查询
原标题:SQL Query using ODBC
  • 时间:2012-05-23 21:24:10
  •  标签:
  • php
  • sql
  • odbc

此脚本 :

    $myfamille=$_POST[ myfamille ];

    $conn = odbc_connect( sage , <Administrateur> ,  );

    if (!$conn) 
    {exit("Connection Failed: " . $conn);} 

    $sql="Select F_ARTSTOCK.AR_Ref,AR_Design,AS_QteSto 
    where F_ARTICLE.FA_CodeFamille=F_FAMILLE.FA_CodeFamille
    AND F_FAMILLE.FA_CodeFamille= ".$myfamille." 
    and F_ARTSTOCK.AS_QteSto <> 0";

    if (!$rs) 
    {exit("Error in SQL");} 


Notice: Undefined variable: output in C:wampwwwarticlecbase.php on line 24


AND F_FAMILLE.FA_CodeFamille= ".$myfamille." 

我也有类似的脚本,但用 Sql 服务器,效果很好

 $myservername=$_POST[ myservername ];
$myusername=$_POST[ myusername ];
$mypassword=$_POST[ mypassword ];
$myfamille=$_POST[ myfamille ];
  $connectionInfo = array( "Database"=>$db_name, "UID"=>$myusername, "PWD"=>$mypassword);
$conn = sqlsrv_connect( $servername, $connectionInfo);

if (!$conn) 
{exit("Connection Failed: " . $conn);} 

$sql="Select F_ARTSTOCK.AR_Ref,AR_Design,AS_QteSto FROM F_Article,F_Famille,F_ARTSTOCK
where F_ARTICLE.FA_CodeFamille=F_FAMILLE.FA_CodeFamille
AND F_FAMILLE.FA_CodeFamille= ".$myfamille."  and F_ARTSTOCK.AS_QteSto != .000000";

if (!$rs) 
{exit("Error in SQL");} 

       { $output[]=$e;}



$myusername=$_POST[ myusername ];
$conn = odbc_connect($myusername, <Administrateur> ,  );

if (!$conn) 
{exit("Connection Failed: " . $conn);} 

$sql="SELECT   FA_CodeFamille AS FA_CodeFamille,FA_Intitule AS FA_Intitule FROM   F_FAMILLE";

if (!$rs) 
{exit("Error in SQL");} 
       { $output[]=$e;}


Please help me. regards

$output = array();
while($e=odbc_fetch_object($rs)) {
    $output[] = $e;

Is working fine on many scripts i have any help please



$output = array();
while($e=odbc_fetch_object($rs)) {
    $output[] = $e;

否则,如果循环未输入,则该变量未申报,因此,当您 json_encode($output) , output 不存在。

另外,我建议你放弃旧的ODBC方法,转向PDO(或至少是PDO ODBC驱动器)。

此外,您的代码可以输入 SQL 。 您应该使用已准备好的语句, 或者正确回避您插入查询的字符串 。 也就是说, 您应该查看 < a href=" http://php. net/ odbc_ prepare" rel = “ no follow” >odbc_ prepare

此外,$_POST[ key] 永远不能保证有人居住。 您应该总是使用类似 :

$blah = (isset($_POST[ blah ])) ? $_POST[ blah ] : null;

$blah = (array_key_exists($_POST[ blah ])) ? $_POST[ blah ] : null;

或者,如果你特别偏执 像我一样:

$blah = (array_key_exists($_POST[ blah ]) && is_string($_POST[ blah ])) ? $_POST[ blah ] : null;

If the user has PHP parse it as an array, err或s can then occur from passing an array to a function. This can make PHP unnecessary generate notices/err或s, so I like to avoid that possibility.

(An example of f或cing $_GET[ test ] to be an array would be page.php?test[]=blah)

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