English 中文(简体)
检查控制是否为 Tab 控制内部的文本框
原标题:Check if Control is Textbox within TabControl


foreach (Control c in this.Controls)
    if (c is TextBox || c is RichTextBox)
        c.Text = "";

但现在我的文字框位于 Tab Control 内。 我怎样才能对文字框进行同样的检查, 如果控制是文本框, 请将值设为“ ” 。 我已经尝试过使用 :

foreach(Control c in tabControl1.Controls)




foreach (TabPage t in tabControl1.TabPages)
    foreach (Control c in t.Controls)
        if (c is TextBox || c is RichTextBox)
            c.Text = "";

您也可以使用 < a href=> http:// msdn. microsoft.com/ en- us/library/ bb360913.aspx" rel = "nofollow"\\ code > {code>Enumberable. ofType . TextBox > RichTextBox 是您从 TextBoxBase 继承的唯一控制, 这是您正在寻找的类型 :

var allTextControls = tabControl1.TabPages.Cast<TabPage>() 
   .SelectMany(tp => tp.Controls.OfType<TextBoxBase>());
foreach (var c in allTextControls)
    c.Text = "";

选项卡控制 选项卡控制包含 TabPage 。 您需要瞄准正确的页面 。


static void RecurseClearAllTextBoxes(Control parent)
    foreach (Control control in parent.Controls)
        if (control is TextBox || control is RichTextBox)
            control.Text = String.Empty;

    if (parent is TabControl)
        foreach (TabPage tabPage in ((TabControl)parent).TabPages)


        foreach (Control C in GB.Controls)
            if(C is TextBox)
                (C as TextBox).Clear();
            if(C is DateTimePicker)
                (C as DateTimePicker).Value = DateTime.Now;
            if (C is ComboBox)
                (C as ComboBox).SelectedIndex = 0;

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