我正在研究一个 JSF 1.2
+ Richfaces
系统。 这个系统是一种博客。 用户可以创建和管理他们的博客。 博客可以通过以下型号的 URL 访问 :
I used a single Managed Bean
with session scope to make all controls. When the user accesses the blog, I use a filter that through the URL, which identified the blog being accessed, put the ID
of the blog in the session and gave foward to the blog index.
I used this session ManagedBean
to control everything in the view of the blog.
The problem is that the browser shares the same session between multiple tabs. When a user accesses the blog like this www.meublog.com/julio
on one tab and www.meublog.com/fulano
in another tab, I can not identify the two blogs because I have only one session established.