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浏览器多重标签 - JSF 1.2 ad
原标题:Browser Multiples Tabs - JSF 1.2 ad
  • 时间:2012-05-24 21:39:32
  •  标签:
  • jsf

我正在研究一个 JSF 1.2 + Richfaces 系统。 这个系统是一种博客。 用户可以创建和管理他们的博客。 博客可以通过以下型号的 URL 访问 :


I used a single Managed Bean with session scope to make all controls. When the user accesses the blog, I use a filter that through the URL, which identified the blog being accessed, put the ID of the blog in the session and gave foward to the blog index. I used this session ManagedBean to control everything in the view of the blog. The problem is that the browser shares the same session between multiple tabs. When a user accesses the blog like this www.meublog.com/julio on one tab and www.meublog.com/fulano in another tab, I can not identify the two blogs because I have only one session established.



您不应因为所要面对的原因而将范围信息存储在会议范围中。 使用范围管理豆类的请求, 而不是根据请求 URI 初始化。 您可以通过< a href="http://docs. oracle.com/javaee/5/ api/javax/faces/context/ ExternalContext.html" rel= “ nofollown noreferrr" code>ExternalCortext 和/ 或 < a href="http://docs. oracle.com/javaee/5/api/javax/servlet/http/ Htpservletes.html" rel=“ nofolpn noreferr"\code> Htpservertlett 。


ExternalContext ec = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext();

// If you use suffix mapping like *.jsf
String servletPath = ec.getRequestServletPath(); 

// Or if you use prefix mapping like /faces/*
String pathInfo = ec.getRequestPathInfo();

// Now initialize based on the value of either servletPath or pathInfo.

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