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无法为 UWP 应用程序安装 Google 。 FlatBuffers Nuget 软件包
原标题:Unable to install Google.FlatBuffers Nuget package for the UWP application

I got the below error while installing FlatBuffers package for the UWP app NU1202: Package Google.FlatBuffers 24.3.25 is not compatible with uap10.0.17763 (UAP,Version=v10.0.17763) / win10-x86. Package Google.FlatBuffers 24.3.25 supports:

  • net6.0 (.NETCoreApp,Version=v6.0)
  • net8.0 (.NETCoreApp,Version=v8.0)
  • netstandard2.1 (.NETStandard,Version=v2.1)

抱歉, 目前 UWP 仅支持 < strong>.NET Standard 2.0 . . .NET Standard 2. 1 , .net6 .net8 在 UWP 中不支持 。


https://developercommunity.visualstudio.com/t/Add-NET-678-support-to-UWP/1596483 https://stackoverflow.com/a/58077778/17316773

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