$facebook->api( /me/feed , post , array(
link => https://www.facebook.com/events/event id/
doesn t work?
All of the other info should be available for facebook.
I have no idea why simply sharing the event does not work.
Even when supplying the info, the image can not be loaded (as you wrote) with a message saying the pics served from the fb CDNs can t be shared.
我有两个可能的变通办法 为你虽然:
1) 您可以使用 api 询问事件信息, 然后发布该信息, 例如 js sdk :
FB.api("EVENT_ID", function(response) {
method: "feed",
link: "http://www.facebook.com/events/EVENT_ID/",
name: response.name,
description: response.description
2) 根据"http://developmenters.facebook.com/docs/reference/api/event/#irevited" rel="nofollow">邀请连接活动对象 :
You can invite users to an event by issuing an HTTP POST to
/EVENT_ID/invited/USER_ID. You can invite multiple users by issuing an
HTTP POST to /EVENT_ID/invited?users=USER_ID1,USER_ID2,USER_ID3. Both
of these require the create_event permission and return true if the
invite is successful.
So with that you can invite the friends to the event directly.
I know it s not the same, but it might be better than nothing, depending on what you need this for.
I recommend that you open a bug report on the Bugs system.