I see a strange flickering effect after a transition. It is unusual mainly because I do not set the opacity in any way (I want the color to remain the same). Any ideas why this happens? To have an idea about how the code looks like, here is an example.
var theBars = this.vis.selectAll(".bar" + source.id).data(this.columns);
//some attributes
.style("fill", sourceColor)
//some other attributes
.attr("y", function(d) {
return this.settings.base - this.getStackedBarHeight(d, source.id);
.attr("height", function(d) {
return this.getBarHeight(d.counters[source.id]);
As it can be seen only one line sets the color. I initially tought I made some mistakes at binding, but after checking some posts here and on Google Groups, I discovered that this flickering usually appears when you have transitions that also change the opacity of the object. Unfortunately I don t change any opacity, I just make a transition. This effect appears in all major browsers when executing that transition (theBars.transition).