English 中文(简体)
原标题:Composing Roles into a Moose class not working


我正忙于在一种叫作"可认证性"的摩斯类中定义我的角色, 基本上由任何可能在未来需要某种形式的认证的类别组成; 这是一个相当简单的角色, 这里的完整:

package Trello::API::Roles::Authable;

use Moose::Role;

#authentication information
has key => (
    is => "rw",
    isa => "Str",

has token => (
    is => "rw",
    isa => "Str",


For whatever reason, when I attempt to compose it into a class using multiple different statements, i.e., with "Trello::API::Roles::Authable"; or with "Roles::Authable";

我总是收到相同的错误消息 : 您只能消耗角色, 角色 :: 可认证不是穆斯角色 。


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我查了穆斯的实际来源: 作用,

    unless ($meta && $meta->isa( Moose::Meta::Role ) ) {
        require Moose;
        Moose->throw_error( "You can only consume roles, "
                . $role->[0]
                . " is not a Moose role" );




package Trello::API::Resource;

use Moose;
use URI::Escape;
use LWP::UserAgent;

with  Roles::Authable ;

当我这样做的时候,它聪明地知道 尝试和消耗 角色/可允许的. 下午,但无论出于什么原因, 它只是没有发挥作用!


首先,我必须同意皮尔斯的观点, 技术上,你应该把它称为 与特雷洛::API: ROles:: 可认证

So, you re asking for something that I don t find to be implemented in basic Moose. I have used the ideas of generic namespace pools before. They are sort of universal namespaces to which you can offer your semi-anonymous services--without the lock-in of a fixed namespace. I refined my basic idea of the namespace pool with Moose (really MOP) support.

在珀尔的西部狂野的日子里 你只需要给另一个符号 分配一个藏品,就像这样:

{   no strict  refs ; 
    *{$short_pkg_name. :: } = *{$full_pkg_name. :: };


但是现在,我们用词典来保护我们的数据。因为类: MOP嫉妒地用词典来保护它的元物体, 你必须补充一些其他的东西:

     , Class::MOP::get_metaclass_by_name( $full_pkg_name )


Thus you can create packages that are simply a namespace repository for other packages -- Now with MOP support!

package Namespace::Pool;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Params::Util qw<_POSINT>;

sub import { 
    shift; # It s just me.
    my $full_pkg_name = caller();
    Carp::croak( " $full_pkg_name  is short enough!" ) 
        unless my $pool_name 
            = shift // [ split /::/, $full_pkg_name ]->[-2]
    Carp::croak( " ::$pool_name::  not found in  $full_pkg_name " ) 
        unless (  _POSINT( my $pos = rindex( $full_pkg_name, "::$pool_name::" ))
               or my $is_short = _POSINT( index( $pool_name,  ::  ))
    my $short_pkg_name 
        = $is_short ? $poll_name 
        :             substr( $full_pkg_name, $pos + 2 )
    {   no strict  refs ; 
        if ( %{$short_pkg_name. :: } ) { 
            Carp::croak( "You have already defined $short_pkg_name!" );
        *{$short_pkg_name. :: } = *{$full_pkg_name. :: };

    if ( my $meta = Class::MOP::get_metaclass_by_name( $full_pkg_name )) { 
        Class::MOP::store_metaclass_by_name( $short_pkg_name, $meta );


package Trello::API::Roles::Authable;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Moose::Role;
use Namespace::Pool  Roles ;




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