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我可以使用 jQuery 将多个点击事件附加到元素上吗?
原标题:Can I attach multiple click events to an element using jQuery?
  • 时间:2012-05-23 16:22:25
  •  标签:
  • jquery


.on( click , a[href^="/Test"] ,function(event){

        var href = $(this).attr( href );

        // Load content
        $( #content ).load(href,   , function (responseText, textStatus, XMLHttpRequest) {
        window.location.hash =  #  + href;

        // Get nav link
        var a = $( #menu a[href="  + href +  "] );
        if (a.length > 0) {
            // Mark as current
            $( #menu a ).removeClass( current );
            a.addClass( current );

            // Update breadcrumb
            var breadcrumb = $( #breadcrumb ).empty();
            while (a.length > 0) {
                if (a.get(0).nodeName.toUpperCase() ==  A ) {
                    var target = a;
                else {
                    var target = a.parent().find( a:first );
                breadcrumb.prepend( <li><a href="  + target.attr( href ) +  ">  +
                a.contents().filter(function () {
                    return this.nodeType == 3;
                +  </a></li> );

                // Check if opened
                var li = a.parent();
                if (li.hasClass( closed )) {
                    li.removeClass( closed );

                a = li.parent().parent().children( a, span );

I would like to also set the value of a link when the user clicks. I added this on my page but it seems like it does not get called. Is there a problem when I attach two of the same type of events to an element?

            .on( click ,  a[href^="/Test"] , function (event) {
                var href = $(this).attr( href );
                var pk = href.substr(7, 4);
                var rk = href.substr(12, 4);
                var link = "/Admin/Testss/Edit?pk=" + pk + "&rk=" + rk;
                $( #editLink ).data( href , link);

是的,它应该有效。确保定义第二个处理器的代码正在实际执行中 。


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如果您使用 < a href=> "http://api.jquery.com/bind/" rel="nofollow" > Bind , 您是否有同样的问题?

如关于Q的评论所述,如果任何函数返回了 false ,则会防止事件爆发。


只要保持它在一个点击事件中, 将它分为两个是多余的

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