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Javascript 替换未逃避的斜线
原标题:Javascript replace unescaped slash





然后它就会像预期的那样工作, 但我无法更改字符串, 因为它只是nordejs path.join ("conetnt,"hs","gj","hh.cs") 的输出 。



The reason it is returning "contenthsgjhome.css" is that your string doesn t really have any backslashes in it at all because single backslashes in a string literal will be ignored unless they make sense to escape the following character (e.g., "\" or " "). "c" has no special meaning as an escape so it is interpreted as "c".




因此, . replace () 找不到反斜线 。

(请注意,如果您 do 以字串字串形式(如 \\" ,该字串仅是字面语法的一部分,一旦被解释,所产生的字符串只有一个反斜线 ""),则该字串的反斜线(注意) 。)

或许你可以解释一下你所说的“只是FS的产出”的意思。当JSP/ASP/PHP/etc 输出JS代码时,这是一个常见的问题 — — 在JSP/ASP/PHP/etc 代码中,逃跑需要在JSP/ASP/PHP/etc 代码中发生,然后再由JSP/ASP/PHP/etc 的翻译看到。

yourstring.split(String.fromCharCode(92)).join( / )

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