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IBM WebSpere JAX-RPC 客户压缩
原标题:IBM WebSphere JAX-RPC Client Compression


SOAPMessage.setProperty(SOAPMessage.CHARACTER_SET_ENCODING, "gzip") 

但有“ java. io. unsupported Encoding Exception: gzip” 错误 。




见http://pic.dhe.ibm.com/infocenter/wasinfo/v6r0index.jsp?pot=/com.ibm.websphere.base/info/aes/ae/rwbs_httptransportprop.html” rel=“nofollow”>http://pic.dhe.ibm.com/infocenter/wasinfo/v6r0/index.jsp?top=/com.ibm.websphere.base/info/aes/ae/rwbs_httptransportprop.html/a> - http运输级别属性供外部请求

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