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JQuery: 两个功能缩放和交换, 但缩放保持原始图像
原标题:JQuery: two functions zoom and swap but zoom keep original image
  • 时间:2012-05-23 19:35:18
  •  标签:
  • jquery
  • html

我有两个 Jquery 函数 1 来显示图像的缩放 / 细节, 还有两个 缩略图显示多个图像 。 它们都有效, 直到您交换图像, 然后新的图像显示, 但是旧图像仍然在缩放功能中 。 我想我还需要更新新的缩放函数, 但我不确定如何进行 。 您如何强制重新装入或刷新此函数?

<script type="text/javascript">
    $( #image ).addimagezoom() 
        magnifiersize: [300,300] 

    $("li.tmb-all a").click(function() {
        var mainImage = $(this).attr("href"); //Find Image Name
        $("#image").attr( src , mainImage);
        return false;       


相关 HTML :

<div id="main_image">
  <img alt="available in 10 colors" id="image" itemprop="image" src="/products/440/large/custom-woven-1.jpg" width="400" />
      <!-- no need for thumnails unless there is more then one image -->
<ul id="product-thumbnails" class="thumbnails" data-hook>
  <li class="tmb-all" id="tmb-440"><a href="/spree/products/440/large/custom-woven-1.jpg"><img alt="Custom-woven-wristbands-1" src="/products/440/mini/custom-woven-1.jpg" /></a></li>
  <li class="tmb-all" id="tmb-442"><a href="/spree/products/442/large/custom-woven-2.jpg"><img alt="Custom-woven-wristbands-2" src="/products/442/mini/custom-woven-2.jpg" /></a></li>
  <li class="tmb-all" id="tmb-439"><a href="/spree/products/439/large/custom-woven-3.JPG"><img alt="Custom-woven-wristbands-3" src="/products/439/mini/custom-woven-3.JPG" /></a></li>
  <li class="tmb-all" id="tmb-441"><a href="/spree/products/441/large/custom-woven-4.jpg"><img alt="Custom-woven-wristbands-4" src="/products/441/mini/custom-woven-4.jpg" /></a></li>


您可以尝试在单击中添加放大码 :

$( #image ).addimagezoom() 
    magnifiersize: [300,300] 

$("li.tmb-all a").click(function() {
    var mainImage = $(this).attr("href"); //Find Image Name
    $("#image").attr( src , mainImage);
    $( #image ).addimagezoom() 
      magnifiersize: [300,300] 
    return false;       

Plugins typically have a way to destroy themselves too which if it did you d maybe be able to do something like $( #image ).destroy().addimagezoom() magnifiersize: [300,300] }); assuming it actually supports that (check the docs).



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