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URl 中的空空空空间使用.htaccess在php 中不创建页面
原标题:empty space in url makes no pages in php using .htaccess

我无法使用 .htacess file 和 url 别名和 GET 方法检索值

.htaccess file

<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
    # Enable Rewriting 
    RewriteEngine on 
    RewriteRule ^search-location/(w+)/?$ findjob4.php?loc=$1

findjob.php file

if (isset($_GET[ loc ]) or !empty($_GET[ loc ])) {
    $d_location = $_GET[ loc ];
    echo "Location : " . $d_location;

下面是操作 我做了什么,

URL 1   :   www.example.com/search-location/london
ouput   :   Location : london
status  :   Good

URL 2   :   www.example.com/search-location/north-london
output  :   Error 404 , Object not found!
Status  :   The requested URL was not found on this server. If you entered the URL manually please check your spelling and try again.

URL 3   :   www.example.com/search-location/north%20london
output  :   Error 404 , Object not found!
Status  :   The requested URL was not found on this server. If you entered the URL manually please check your spelling and try again.

But i could not get the values of those GET method loc variables, if i give a . . (space) or - (hypen) between url values. how do i get the values from the url..

感谢 谢谢


Try replacing the (w+) with (.*) which matches anything instead of just a word. Or if you want just characters and a dash (-) you can use this: ([A-Za-z-]+) Also there s this tool that helps debugging .htaccess stuff.



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