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sparql - regex 不工作为不区分大小写
原标题:sparql - regex doesn t work as case insensitive
  • 时间:2012-05-25 14:13:43
  •  标签:
  • sparql

I m using SemWeb.Sparql.dll in C# to execute some queries in sparql via C# I need to compare a given string variable to string in my ontology (rdfs:label) but i need this compare case insensitive ,so I used the regex function. I used this query:

disease = " ^" + disease + " ";
string query = prefixes + @"
               Select ?a ?name Where{
               ?a ?c owl:Class .
               ?a rdfs:label ?name.
               FILTER (Regex(?name," + @disease + ", i ))}";

在某些情况中工作得当,而在另一些情况中工作得当。 任何人都可以帮助我。



FILTER (regex(str(?name), ...

str () () 中, 折叠 ? name 。 这将确保第一个参数是一个字符串 。

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