I am working on sort of a Business Card maker using HTML5 Canvas. To get custom Name, Address, etc...I m currently using PROMPT Box...
var name = prompt("Votre nom","")
var address = prompt("Votre adresse","")
var title = prompt("Votre titre","")
img.onload = function(){
oCtx.font = "normal 25px arial"; // different font
oCtx.textBaseline = "top"; // text baseline at the top
oCtx.fillStyle = "#00529e";
oCtx.fillText(address, 283, 138);
oCtx.font = "bold 45px arial"; // different font
oCtx.fillText(name, 283, 350);
oCtx.font = "normal 40px arial"; // different font
oCtx.fillText(title, 283, 410);
It s working great getting the value from the PROMPT box. But I would like to do something cleaner, and user textboxes instead.
所以这个家伙只需要输入在 Canvas 旁边的文本框中, 当他输入到文本框中时, 它会自动更新“ 名称” 变量或“ 地址” 或“ 标题” 的内容 。
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这里我尝试了... 但是这不起作用:
<input type="text" id="testing"/>
我会输入到这个文本框中, 然后更新:
oCtx.fillText(document.getElementById( testing ).value), 282, 138);
oCtx.fillText(address, 282, 138);
谢谢 谢谢
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document.getElementById("testing").addEventListener("change", function() {
var val = document.getElementById("testing").value;
// now use val in your existing fillText code
"testing" being the ID of my textbox... And I changed the fillText to :
oCtx.fillText(val, 282, 138);
但是当我输入文本框时 什么都不会发生... 知道为什么吗?