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VS2010年的 Qt 4.8.2 文档
原标题:documentation of Qt 4.8.2 in VS2010
  • 时间:2012-05-25 15:51:51
  •  标签:
  • qt

1.1.1 增加的视觉演播室要点包括:

Documentation support for Visual Studio 2010, and documentation updated Fixed always moc’ing problem. (QTVSADDINBUG-92) Fixed .pro file opening having include to “.” path. (QTVSADDINBUG-117)



< a href=" "http://qt.nokia.com/downloads/visual-studio-add-in" rel="nofollow" > 视频演播室插件 docs 集成以及使Qt与Qt完全配合所需的其他一切内容



Qt: Do events get processed in order?

If I had a class A, where one of its functions does: void A::func() { emit first_signal(); emit second_signal(); } Assuming that a class B has 2 slots, one connected to first_signal, and the ...

How to determine how much free space on a drive in Qt?

I m using Qt and want a platform-independent way of getting the available free disk space. I know in Linux I can use statfs and in Windows I can use GetDiskFreeSpaceEx(). I know boost has a way, ...

Drag & drop with .ui files

I m having big troubles with drag & drop. I ve created a new Qt Designer Form Class in which I have one QListWidget and one QWidget. Now I want to enable dragging & dropping between these two ...

Link errors on Snow Leopard

I creating a small desktop application using Qt and Poco on Mac OS X Snow Leopard. Qt works fine, but once I started linking with Poco I get the following warning: ld: warning: in /Developer/SDKs/...

Showing two windows in Qt4

My friend and I have each created parts of a GUI using Qt 4. They both work independently and I am trying to integrate his form with the my main window. As of now this is the code I am using to try ...

Qt equivalent of .NET data binding?

Is there an equivalent of .NET s data binding in Qt? I want to populate some combo boxes and other widgets with QStrings that refer to specific entities in my database. However, it would be cleaner ...
