我希望第一个项目默认会扩展, 但与jquery有麻烦。 我尝试了几个不同的角度, 却毫无用处。 任何帮助都会非常感激!
The HTML: <a href="javascript:void(0)" id="m1">Get Selected id s</a> The Function: jQuery("#m1").click( function() { var s; s = jQuery("#list4").getGridParam( selarrrow )...
我希望第一个项目默认会扩展, 但与jquery有麻烦。 我尝试了几个不同的角度, 却毫无用处。 任何帮助都会非常感激!
$( #collapser li:first-child > ul ).show();
它所做的是选择 first li
,然后在 li
和 show
中选择 ul
< a href=> "http://api.jquery.com/ first- child-selector/" rel="nofol" > First Child Shoppor
"http://jsfiddle.net/joycse06/trrJp/2/" rel="nofollow" >work Fiddle
如果您的问题只是您想要打开第一个项目, 在您设置了所有菜单时, 您可以做类似的事情 :
$( #menu li: first). sliideToggle ();
或者您可以模拟点击 :
$( #menu li: first) 点击 ();
实际代码取决于你的实际执行情况 以及如何打开它 但一般的想法是 触发第一个要打开的元素
The HTML: <a href="javascript:void(0)" id="m1">Get Selected id s</a> The Function: jQuery("#m1").click( function() { var s; s = jQuery("#list4").getGridParam( selarrrow )...
How to get a selected text inside a iframe. I my page i m having a iframe which is editable true. So how can i get the selected text in that iframe.
I am using the cycle plugin with pager functionality like this : $j( #homebox ) .cycle({ fx: fade , speed: fast , timeout: 9000, pager: #home-thumbs , ...
I have a div <div id="masterdiv"> which has several child <div>s. Example: <div id="masterdiv"> <div id="childdiv1" /> <div id="childdiv2" /> <div id="...
I have a button that opens a dialog when clicked. The dialog displays a div that was hidden After I close the dialog by clicking the X icon, the dialog can t be opened again.
I need help to use jConfirm with this existing code (php & Jquery & jAlert). function logout() { if (confirm("Do you really want to logout?")) window.location.href = "logout.php"; } ...
Ok, I m stumped. Basically, this script works fine in FF, but not in IE (6,7 or 8) - in which it returns an "Object doesn t support this property or method" error. Any ideas?: function ...
What I m trying to do, is wrap text into div inside ll tag. It wouldn t be a problem, but I need to wrap text that appears particularly after "-" (minus) including "minus" itself. This is my html: &...