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从 Viewport Ext JS 4 中删除滚动条
原标题:Remove Scrollbar From Viewport Ext JS 4

我正得到一个滚动条 在Viewport, 我如何可以删除它。


The Viewport does not provide scrolling, so child Panels within the Viewport 
should provide for scrolling if needed using the autoScroll config.

http://docs.sencha.com/ext-js/4-0#!/api/Ext.container.Viewport" rel=“no follow” >viewport sencha doc

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Ext.define( MyViewport , {
   extend :  Ext.container.Viewport ,

   layout :  border ,
   padding :  5 5 5 5 ,
   defaults: {
       split: true,
       autoScroll : false
   initComponent : function() {
       this.items = [{
         region:  north ,
         height: 70,
         width :  100% ,
         split : false,
         padding :  0 0 5 0 ,
               //here some items
        region: west ,
        collapsible: true,
        width: 210,
        maxWidth : 210,
        autoScroll : false,
               //here some items
        region: center ,
        id :  workspace ,
        //here I add panels dynamically




但每个区域都是 Ext.panel.partel 组件, 默认情况下会自动在溢出时获得滚动条 。

尝试在查看端添加 layout: fit 配置到您的视图端口 。




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