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原标题:CoreData NSPredicate math malfunction


你们有没有注意到 NSPPrevituate的怪异行为数学功能?


1) 我有离境舱 与接口:

@interface OTDeparture : NSManagedObject
@property (nonatomic, retain) NSNumber * position;

i 2) 创建获取请求时使用前提 :

NSPredicate *predicate=[NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"(position-1)*(position-1) > 0"];

结果总是零对象(预言总是 NO) 。 格式“ (2-1) * (2-1) & gt; 0” 和“ (position-1) *position & gt; 0” 也会做同样的事情 。


"2*(position-1) > 0"
"2*2 > 0"
"position-3 > 0"



Seems like you re right, there are some in CoreData :(( I have the same issue - Is there any way to use NSPredicate to filter objects using distance calculation between points in CoreData seems like the only way to receive what you want is to use predicateWithBlock: method, though I haven t tried it myself yet. And note that predicateWithBlock: works only for in-memory stores. So most probably you will end up filtering the data by just going through all entities, of course you can try to make at least some filtering before doing this.

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