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原标题:More precise diagnostic error messages with templates?

使用模板的编译错误往往模糊不清,而且不容易解开,除非一个真正精通模板。 许多时候专家程序员可能也会被这些错误所困扰。 我相信我们大多数人已经多次感受到了它的困苦。

As I understand the C++ standard only mandates implementations to provide a diagnostic for an ill-formed program but not how or what diagnostic messages shall be provided.
However, are there any guidelines laid out by the Standards committee to overcome this problem of not easily decipherable diagnostics (especially) in case of templates. Has this ever even come up for a discussion? Also, are the mainstream implementations doing something about or have planned about this issue?

The question is quite open ended for discussion but with the SO C++ community being one of the most active C++ communities I am sure someone somewhere must have at least some idea of this. Also, a few of Standards committee members (I know) actively participate on the C++ tag, I am hoping they might have some information on this if et al.



首先,是的,主流实施正在做一些事情。 它可能不是g++或 msvc 的最高优先, 但并不是唯一的主流实施。 它也是家族背后的设计目标之一( 见< a href="http://clang.llvm.org/diagnostics.html> http://clang.llvm.org/diagnostics.html ), 至少在某个时候 Intel 列出更好的模板错误作为 ic++ 的销售点 。



这绝对是一个问题,特别是当人们开始用元类做棘手的事情时。我知道的唯一有助于略微解决问题的工具是stlfilt ,它“简化和/或修改长长的C++错误和警告信息,重点是STL相关诊断”。

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