English 中文(简体)
原标题:How do I pass data values to a form?

我有一个申请 我为一个幻想足球场工作。

http://digitaldemo.net/kickass/a-results.php" rel=“nofollow'>http://digitaldemo.net/kickass/a-resources.php


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这是关于结果.php的相关代码,可以提供数据, 应该 将数据传送到qb-edit.php的窗体:

<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5" border="1" width="560">
<tr style="text-align:center">
<td style="text-align:left ; width:175px">Player Name</td>
<td>Pass Yds</td>
<td>Pass TDs</td>
<td>Int Thrown</td>
<td>Rush Yds</td>
<td>Rush TDs</td>
<td>Overall Pts</td>
$result = mysql_query("SELECT ID, Player, Team, Pass_Yds, Pass_TDs, Int_Thrown, Rush_Yds, Rush_TDs, Overall_Pts, Total_Fantasy_Pts FROM ff_projections WHERE Position =  QB  ORDER BY Pass_Yds DESC;");

while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))
echo "<tr style="text-align:center"><td style="text-align:left">{$row[ Player ]}</td>";
echo "<td>{$row[ Team ]}</td>";
echo "<td>{$row[ Pass_Yds ]}</td>";
echo "<td>{$row[ Pass_TDs ]}</td>";
echo "<td>{$row[ Int_Thrown ]}</td>";
echo "<td>{$row[ Rush_Yds ]}</td>";
echo "<td>{$row[ Rush_TDs ]}</td>";
echo "<td>{$row[ Overall_Pts ]}</td>";
echo "<td>{$row[ Total_Fantasy_Pts ]}</td>";
echo "<td><form action="qb-edit.php" method="post"><input type="hidden" name="ID" value="". $row[ ID ] .""><input type="submit" name="submit" value="Edit"></form></td></tr>";

这是qb- edit. php 的内容 :

$posted_id = $_POST[ ID ];

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<title>Untitled Document</title>
body    { font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif ;
font-size:14px ;

.form   { width:350px ;
margin-auto ;

label   { clear:both ;
display:block ;
float:left ;
padding-right:8px ;
line-height:26px ;

input[type=text]    { float:right ;
width:163px ;
height:18px ;
margin:3px 0px ;

input[type=text].short  { width:30px ;
margin-right:132px ;

input[type=submit]  { clear:both ;
float:left ;
margin-top:20px ;
margin-bottom:20px ;

select  { float:right ;
margin-right:118px ;


<div class="form">            

echo $posted_id;

$result = mysql_query($connect, "SELECT * FROM ff_projections where ID= " . $posted_id . " ") or die ("Error in query");
if ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {

echo "<form method= post  action= add_player.php >";
echo "<label for= Player >Player Name:</label> <input type= text  name= Player  value= " . $row[ Player ] . "  />";
echo "<label for= Pass_Yds >Pass Yds:</label> <input class= short  type= text  name= Pass_Yds  value= " . $row[ Pass_Yds ] . "  />";
echo "<label for= Pass_TDs >Pass TDs:</label> <input class= short  type= text  name= Pass_TDs  value= " . $row[ Pass_TDs ] . "  />";
echo "<label for= Int_Thrown >Int Thrown:</label> <input class= short  type= text  name= Int_Thrown  value= " . $row[ Int_Thrown ] . "  />";
echo "<label for= Rush_Yds >Rush Yds:</label> <input class= short  type= text  name= Rush_Yds  value= " . $row[ Rush_Yds ] . "  />";
echo "<label for= Rush_TDs >Rush TDs:</label> <input class= short  type= text  name= Rush_TDs  value= " . $row[ Rush_TDs ] . "  />";
echo "<label for= Overall_Pts >Overall Pts:</label> <input class= short  type= text  name= Overall_Pts  value= " . $row[ Overall_Pts ] . "  />";
echo "<input type= submit  name= submit  value= Update Player  />";
echo "<input type= hidden  name= id  value= " . $row[ ID ] . "  />";
echo "</form>";



PHP Warning:  mysql_query() expects parameter 2 to be resource, string given in C:\xampp\htdocs\kickass\qb-edit.php on line 55, referer: http://localhost/kickass/a-results.php

这是qb- edit. php 的55行 :

$result = mysql_query($connect, "SELECT * FROM ff_projections where ID= " . $posted_id . " ") or die ("Error in query");



只需将数据库记录的身份标识作为参数, 可能是一个隐藏字段, 然后用它从下一页的数据库中调出他们的记录 。


想法是您通过玩家的 ID (可以是 Get 或 POST 方法), 我认为最好的方法是 POST, 因为您可以将 ID 传送到 URL


player_id=1 Vince Young ,如果您创建链接到此页面 http://digitaldemo.net/kickass/edit_player.php?id=2 它将会显示编辑页面



  1. You have to create a php file called edit_player and the functions on it.
  2. You have to validate the SESSION[ user ] has the permission to edit a player, if you don t check that someone can open a browser copy and paste a link like this :http://digitaldemo.net/kickass/edit_player.php?id=1 and will able to edit your post.
  3. If I ll use some kind of md5 algorithm to send the user ID, doing that I will restrict the intruder.

请看这份安全指南, 它会帮助您保护您的网站:


您的错误是在这里造成的 我相信

" 编号=. 美元贴上. " 。 "

you started your double quotes before SELECT which is good however when you got to ID= you ended that set of quotes Remove the double quotes


"SELECT * FROM ff_projections WHERE ID =  $posted_id "


 " 编号=. 美元贴上. " 。 "

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