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从JavaScript的应用程序中获取 PC 日期吗?
原标题:Get the PC date from an app in JavaScript?
  • 时间:2012-05-24 19:05:28
  •  标签:
  • javascript

After trying many googlings I can not find any thing related to this problem. What I wanted is getting my PC s date not the Google s server date. I did try by using URLFetchApp to make a HTTP request with a hope that some JavaScript can be executed and then I can have a nice PC s date as the response but it was not so simple. I do not really have no idea how to make some progress right now so may you can give some hints?



(1) 在应用程序侧设置一个 URI 以检索数据

(2) 在你的客户方面使用微小的刺绣 来捕捉日期, 并将其翻译给JSON。

(3) 将JSON送至乌拉圭。

如果您能让客户端启动它, 这将更容易得多, 比如在您页面加载时, 但它 < em> can 需要服务器侧端请求完成 。

如何处理此事项的详情在某种程度上取决于 Javascript 库 等 。 我喜欢 jQuery, 这将使第二步像 jQuery.toJSON( new Date ()) 一样。

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