English 中文(简体)
缺少必需的图书馆课程_ 管理
原标题:Missing required library classes_managed

Im using play 2.0 and trying to modularize the project into a subproject. In $project_home, created folder structure ${project_home}/data/app/models/MyModel.java

建筑。 scala 外观

val dataDependencies = Seq(

val dataProject = PlayProject(appName + "-data", appVersion, dataDependencies, path = file("data"), mainLang = JAVA)

val main = PlayProject(appName, appVersion, appDependencies, mainLang = JAVA).settings(
  // Add your own project settings here      

我运行一个游戏 精密命令。



项目 - 缺少所需数据资料库:/病理/对/我的项目/数据/目标/卡拉-2.9.1/class_管理



I encountered the similar problem when building a project with play 2.0.2 I created manually the target/scala-2.9.1/classes_managed folder and I run clean all projects in eclipse




  1. Edit .classpath, there should be an entry similar to this: <classpathentry path="D:your_play_project_folder argetscala-2.10classes_managed" kind="lib"></classpathentry>

  2. Remove the path portion before "target" to get this: <classpathentry path="targetscala-2.10classes_managed" kind="lib"></classpathentry>

  3. 刷新日圆。


  1. 创建数据/ 目标/ scalaa-2.9.1/ classes_ 手动管理 。

  2. 从类路徑中删除路径( 如果不需要)

  3. Switch to 2.1-snapshot


  1. manually removed target/scala-2.9.1/classes_managed from the .classpath file
  2. added target/scala-2.9.1/classes_managed via eclipse: project/properties/Java Build Path --> tab Libraries --> Add Class Folder...

尝试“ 播放干净”, 然后“ 播放日蚀 ”, 从工程基准文件夹中的命令提示中重新生成日蚀工程文件 。

尝试此选项 :

1) sbt> clean/compile in parent, followed by child project
2) add target/src-managed/main as source folder in eclipse, both projects
3) in child
java build path > projects > (add parent)
project references > (add parent)

Project Do, btw? 我的基项目提供 DAO 层和其他与 Play 无关的坚果 & amp; 螺栓; 因此, 我将它定义为 root stbt 工程, 并通过 deependsOn( root) 将其拖入子项目


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