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原标题:Wrong Model property name in view not notified by visual studio debugger?

为了解释我的问题 举个例子比较好

I have an ASP.NET MVC 3 controller action who return a view with an object as a Model. This object, contains some business properties used by the view like a list of contacts, for example.

If i call a property of my object in the view (from Model.) and, after that, I change this property name, the debugger of visual studio say nothing. However, this one should alert me that I try to load, in the view, a property who doesn t exist !





http://www.stefanprodan.eu/2011/05/compile-views-in-asp-asp-net-mvc-3-with-visual-studio/"rel=“nofollow”> 包含您 ASP.NET MVC 观点的汇编 ,在您的 .csproj 中加入以下内容:


这样您就会发现一个编译时间错误 。


您可以以 releasure 模式编译, 以突出显示所有交易断开器。 编辑要长一点, 但要捕捉一切, 直到视图中的属性, 甚至将您带到视图中引发问题的行 。

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