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iPhone SDK - 在用户导航控制器动画中绘制视图
原标题:iPhone SDK - Drawing to the view during a UINavigationController animation

我目前有一个基于 iPhone App 的标准 < code> UINAGATION 主计长 iPhone 的 iPhone 应用程序,我对此有问题,我目前需要一些建议。

我有一个被推到堆叠处的视图, 在 < code> Vihadload < /code > 中, 我在程序上添加了 < strong > 96 subview < / strong > (是的,我猜这很厉害 ) 。 这在大部分部分都很管用, 但是当被推动时动画是干燥的。 我想这是因为它同时在绘制子视图, 但我不确定 。

有人有这种经验吗? “强”在动画之前,我能添加这96个子视图吗?“/强”

Cheers, Brett


You cut put it in the loadView? Or you could create a method called "addSubViews" in which you add the 96 subviews (wtf btw) and then do something like this:

NextViewController * nextViewController = [[NextViewController alloc] init];
[nextViewController addSubViews];
[[self navigationController] pushViewController:nextViewController animated:YES];
[nextViewController release]; // Or not, if you are using ARC ;)

You can call your subview creator function in "initWithNibName" or any init function of your viewcontroller, other way, call your function before pushing that viewcontroller. So @Rick van der Linde was right.

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