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这2 sql 命令有什么区别?
原标题:What the difference between these 2 sql commands?
  • 时间:2012-05-24 14:49:01
  •  标签:
  • sql
select * from StudySQL.dbo.id_name n
inner join StudySQL.dbo.id_sex s
on n.id=s.id
and s.sex= f 

select * from StudySQL.dbo.id_name n
inner join StudySQL.dbo.id_sex s
on n.id=s.id
where s.sex= f 

结果完全一样。 那么它们之间有什么区别吗?



select * from StudySQL.dbo.id_name n

1 | baby
3 | alice

select * from StudySQL.dbo.id_class c

1 | math      
3 | physics   
3 | english   
4 | chinese 

select * from StudySQL.dbo.id_name n
left join StudySQL.dbo.id_class c
on n.name= alice 

name  id    id  class
baby    1   NULL    NULL
alice   3   1           math      
alice   3   3           physics   
alice   3   3           english   
alice   3   4           chinese   

select * from StudySQL.dbo.id_name n
left join StudySQL.dbo.id_class c
on n.name= baby 

name    id  id  class
baby    1   1           math      
baby    1   3           physics   
baby    1   3           english   
baby    1   4           chinese   
alice   3   NULL    NULL

select * from StudySQL.dbo.id_name n
left join StudySQL.dbo.id_class c
on n.name<>  

name    id  id  class
baby   1    1           math      
baby   1    3           physics   
baby   1    3           english   
baby   1    4           chinese   
alice  3    1           math      
alice  3    3           physics   
alice  3    3           english   
alice  3    4           chinese   

So I thinnk it s reasonable to say, the on clause decides which rows should be joined. While the where clause decides which rows should be returned.

如果情况属实,<强势>我认为最好在条款中写明详细的限制,这样需要加入的行就更少。 加入是一个昂贵的操作。


Like Marc Romero said, the ON clause is to specify the relation between tables, the WHERE clause is to specify the filter condition. In this particular query, you ll see the same results, but in others if you don t understand the difference you could get unexpected results. Consider the queries (yours with LEFT JOINS instead of INNER) below:

FROM StudySQL.dbo.id_name n
LEFT JOIN StudySQL.dbo.id_sex s ON n.id=s.id AND s.sex= f 

FROM StudySQL.dbo.id_name n
LEFT JOIN StudySQL.dbo.id_sex s on n.id=s.id
WHERE s.sex= f 

第一张将回复来自InstituteSQL.dbo.id_name的信息和与任何有性别记录相关的SQL.dbo.id_exexex表的信息。 第二张将回复所有姓名,但只有有性别名称的 " f " 将回复来自InstitutSQL.dbo.id_exexemblogination的信息。


这是 INNER JOIN ,但是如果使用 OUTER JOIN ,结果会大不相同。使用 LEFT OUTER JOIN 后,第二个查询将隐含成为 INNER JOIN

通过使用 , 上游是指从 s 到 n 的行应连接到 n。 在内部连接中, 负结果将防止 n 和 s 边被省略 。


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