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原标题:How can i access a js value in post response?

我正请求从服务器获取 html 代码 的一部分 。 服务器上有一个文件, 要为不同的要求打印 html 代码 。 我在此使用以下代码 :

function check(inf_type) {
        type:  POST ,
        url: "get_info.php",
        data: { "sequence_no" : 1 },
        success: function(data) {
            // how can i use value of variable "inf_type" here.
            // here, the variable "data" contains HTML code.
        dataType:  text 

the function check() accepts a parameter inf_type which contains random strings according to which, server recognize the html code to print. Now, i want handle the POST response according to this inf_type. How can i access the value of inf_type variable in POST response function? The function check() is called more often, thats why i can not put the inf_type variable value in any global variable. What can i do to achieve that? Please guide me. thanks in advance.


您可以通过 inf_type 参数访问 check () 函数 :

function check(inf_type) {
        type:  POST ,
        url: "get_info.php",
        data: { "sequence_no" : 1 时 时,
        success: function(data) {
            if (inf_type == 0) {
                // do something with data
            时 时 else {
                // do something else
            时 时
        时 时,
        dataType:  text 
   时 时);

时 时

之所以这样做,是因为内部函数(成功回调)可以访问外部函数中的变量( check) 。 详情请参见此答案 : < a href="https://stackoverflow.com/ a/1111200/69868" >https://stackoverflow.com/ a/11100/69868

Edit This assumes that inf_type is a either a number or a new (different) instance of object in each call of check(). Details are explained in the link mentioned above.




function check(inf_type) {
        type:  POST ,
        url: "get_info.php",
        data: { "sequence_no" : 1 },
        success: function(data) {
            alert(inf_type); //inf_type is available here.
        dataType:  text 

首先,您必须向服务器发送 < 坚固> inf_ type , 以使特定值返回像这样的返回 :

function check(inf_type) {
    type:  POST ,
    url: "get_info.php",
    data: { "sequence_no" : 1, whatToSearch : inf_type }, // i added
    success: function(data) {
         //$(selector).html(data);//where you want to show the data
        // how can i use value of variable "inf_type" here.
        // here, the variable "data" contains HTML code.
    dataType:  text 

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