English 中文(简体)
在 div 中选择元素并发送数据到数据库
原标题:Selecting elements in a div and send data to database




<div class="modal-body">  


    $follower_url = "http://api.twitter.com/1/statuses/followers/Mozammil_K.xml";

    $twFriends = curl_init();

    curl_setopt($twFriends, CURLOPT_URL, $follower_url);
    curl_setopt($twFriends, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, TRUE);
    $twiFriends = curl_exec($twFriends);
    $response = new SimpleXMLElement($twiFriends);

    foreach($response->user as $friends){ 
        $thumb = $friends->profile_image_url;
        $url = $friends->screen_name;
        $name = $friends->name;


    <a title="<?php echo $url;?>" href="#"><img class="photo-img" src="<?php echo $thumb?>" border="2" alt="" width="40" onClick="highlight(this)" /></a>




我想给用户一个选项, 点击照片并选择元素。 他们也可以再次点击照片并取消其选择 。 这通过下面的 Javascript 实现了 。


   function highlight(elem) {

    if(elem.style.border ==  2px solid blue ) {

        elem.style.border =   ;

        elem.style.border =  2px solid blue ;




点击创建按钮时, 窗体应该获得突出显示元素的标题, 并将元素标题发送到数据库 。 除了将元素保存到一个阵列并通过 JSON 发送数据之外, 我找不到任何方法做到这一点 。 我不太熟悉 JSON 。 是否还有其他方法( 简单)? 也许 JQuery?



I think this would be the solution for your problem, I added these three attribute to <a class= a-img > tag

      "rel=<?echo $thumb?>" 
      "id=<?echo $name?>" 
      "title=<? echo $url;?>" //these will be the diffrent attr to be send on the database

and these 3 attribute must be pass to a hidden input if you click the "a.a-img" must add 3 hidden fields:

      <input type="hidden" id="sname"/>
      <input type="hidden" id="fname"/>
      <input type="hidden" id="thumb"/>

     <a title="<?php echo $url;? class= a-img >" href="#">
     <img class="photo-img" src="<?php echo  $thumb?>" border="2" alt="" width="40"   
     onClick="highlight(this)" /></a>

      //get the value of the 3 hidden fields 
      var sname =  $("#sname").val(sname);
      var fname = $("#fname").val(fname);
      var thumb = $("#thumb").val(thumb);

             url:"//your savetodb.php"
             data:{ sname :sname,  fname :fname,  thumb :thumb},
             success: function(data){
                        //do success message


        var sname = $(this).attt( title );
        var fname = $(this).attr( id );
        var thumb = $(this).attr( rel );
               //these 3 attrbute will pass to a hidden input


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