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上一个和下个链接 如何从一个黑道列表中找到前一个和下个链接 hrefs?
原标题:How can I get the previous and next link hrefs from a list of hrefs?
  • 时间:2012-05-26 13:21:14
  •  标签:
  • jquery

I have the following code that checks for click events on links inside of the element with id = menu:

   .on( click ,  a[href^="/City"] , function (event) {
   $( #editLink ).attr("data-href", link);

本代码使用的 HTML 看起来像 :

<ul id="menu">
   <li><a href="/City/0101004H">1</a></li>
   <li><a href="/City/0101004I">2</a></li>
   <li><a href="/City/0101004J">3</a></li>
   <li><a href="/City/0101004K">4</a></li>


<a id="prev" href="#">Prev</a>
<a id="next" href="#">Next</a>

如果用户点击“ 2” 链接, 那么这些链接就会被更改为 :

<a id="prev"  href="/City/0101004H" title="City 1">Prev</a>
<a id="next"  href="/City/0101004J" title="City 3">Next</a>

您可以使用诸如 :

$("#menu").on( click ,  a[href^="/City"] , function (event) {
   if(jQuery(this).text() == 2) { // this check is not required if this functionality is required for any  a  under #menu
      jQuery(this).closest( ul ).find( li:first ).find( a ).css( color , yellow );
      jQuery(this).closest( ul ).find( li:last ).find( a ).css( color , pink );
      $( #prev ).prop( href , $(this).parent().prev().find( a ).prop( href )).prop( title , City 1 ).css( color , red );
      $( #next ).prop( href , $(this).parent().next().find( a ).prop( href )).prop( title , City 3 ).css( color , green );

"http://jsfiddle.net/mprabhat/ 34jj3/" rel="no follow" > fiddle

更新 :

jQuery(this).parent().prev().find( a ) // this will give prev a 

jQuery(this).parent().prev().find( a ) // this will give next a

""http://jsfiddle.net/mprabhat/UahMH/1/" rel="nown" >nd Fiddidd



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