English 中文(简体)
在节点.js - javascript 中设置时间间隔
原标题:setTimeout in node.js - javascript

这里我有一个3 number i+j+k 的代码, 但我要知道如何配置服务器文件来使用 SetTimeout 功能... 是否有限制?



!!! 5
    title Test
    form(name= form1 , method= post , action=  )
      label(for= 1 )
      input#1(type= text , name= 1 )
      label(for= 2 )
      input#2(type= text , name= 2 )
      label(for= 3 )
      input#3(type= text , name= 3 )
      input(name= submit , type= button , value= submit ) 
    span #{result}

应用( a.js)

var express = require( express );
        app = express.createServer();

    app.set( views , __dirname +  /views );
    app.set( view engine ,  jade );
    app.set("view options", { layout: false });
    app.use(express.static(__dirname +  /public ));
    app.get( / , function(req, res){
        var result;
    res.render( index , {result:   });

    app.post( / , function(req, res){
      var i = req.param( 1 , 0);
      i = parseInt(i);
      var j = req.param( 2 , 0);
          j = parseInt(j);

      var k = req.param( 3 , 0);
         k = parseInt(k);

      var r = i+j+k;
      res.render( index , {result:r});


如何屏蔽用户动作( 点击、 双击、 右击), 并给他显示文本“ 您可以做任何动作 ” 。 在前 5 秒后, 用户可以做动作, 但在 60 秒后, 无法再做任何动作... 我可以用 setTimout 函数还是怎么做??



您不能在服务器一侧这样做。 您必须插入客户端的笔记本, 以屏蔽交互作用, 并在 5 秒后再次解开它 。

在客户方面这样做的代码 会是这样的:

// this code should be executed when the client receives a message from the server.
var overlay = document.getElementById("your-element-id");
overlay.style.visibility = "visible";

window.setTimeout(function () {
    overlay.style.visibility = "hidden";
}, 5000);

You should take the following steps to achieve what you want:
1. The user loads the page.
2. The user receives a message from the server, stating that he is being synchronized
3. Then either after a specified time or after another message from the server you unblock the user
4. Finally you start the game



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