English 中文(简体)
原标题:inheritance for an arraylist of quizQuestions

Edit: 谢谢so much my program is finally running .

我编辑添加选择的代码, 以便读取一系列连接的数字和白空格; 我还修改了复选解答方法, 但每当我输入正确答案时, 仍然计算错误, 以下为我的代码 :

          public void addChoice(String choice, boolean correct){
      super.addChoice(choice, correct);
      if(correct == true){
           choiceString +=   "" + count+" " ;

     public boolean checkAnswer( String response )
    boolean ok = false;
    response = response.trim();
    String correctAnswers [] = response.split(" ");
    for(int i=0; i<correctAnswers.length;i++){
        if (answers.contains(correctAnswers[i]))
        { ok = true;}
        {  ok=false;}
    return ok;

" 强 " 我的问题:




您总是设置在 true AnyChoiceQ question check Answer :

     {ok = true;}


if (answers.contains(correctAnswers[i]))
    ok = true;


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