Possible Duplicate:
What are first-class objects in Java and C#?
现在我听说在 Java 中的头等物体是未使用像 String 这样的新关键字创建的物体
Now we declare Arrays also without without new keyword ? so are they first class So i got this article http://c2.com/cgi/wiki?JavaArraysShouldBeFirstClassObjects
Now another interesting article i found is http://c2.com/cgi/wiki?JavaExceptionsAreFirstClassObjects so are exceptions first class objects ??
So can anyone please define a first class object in simple manner & tell me all the First Class objects in java
Before marking as possible duplicate please read the question carefully Let me put it in short My question is
1.Are arrays and Exceptions first class objects ? and 2.Can you define First class objects (interview type) ?