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从 jQuery 职位调回未执行的回调
原标题:Callback not executing from jQuery post


$.post("/" + contentId + "/postComment", {
    "postComment": ""
}, function(data) {
    alert( call back );


此文章的结果是返回了某些 < code> xml 。 我无法确切辨别它的外观, 因为使用 < code > application/xml 的 < code > 应用程序/ xml < /code > 的 < pring > / strong > 映射和 < code> < translateBody , 我实在不知道 Spring 对返回的我做了什么。 我这样说, 以防服务器响应的内容会影响回调 。


what do I need to do to see that alert in my code example?


您的代码是罚款的, 只是它不会勾勾错误处理器( 我不喜欢 $. post 的原因之一) 。 我认为 POST 操作必须导致错误 。 请尝试将其转换为 :

  type:    "POST",
  url:     "/"+contentId+"/postComment",
  data:    {"postComment":""},
  success: function(data) {
        alert( call back );
  // vvv---- This is the new bit
  error:   function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
        alert("Error, status = " + textStatus + ", " +
              "error thrown: " + errorThrown



当您将字符串作为数据提供时,回调不开火,而服务器则返回 JSON 响应。要绕过这个问题,只需明确指定数据类型为 JSON :

function update_qty(variant_id, qty){
  $.post( /cart/update.js , "updates["+variant_id+"]="+qty, function(data){
  }, "json");

For readability, I would recommend to ignore the above correct answer. As of JQuery 1.5 (or later, and in the questions case) use:

$.post("/" + contentId + "/postComment", {
    "postComment": ""
}).always(function() {
    alert( call back );

as stated in the JQuery documentation: https://api.jquery.com/jquery.post/
It s not very clear from the documentation but you get the returned "jqXHR" object from the post request as parameter to the always, fail, and done functions.


.always(function(responseArray, request, jqxhr, status, error) {
    alert( jqxhr.responseText );

我注意到,ajax脚本的内容类型必须是application/json ,而不是application/javascript ,如果确实是JSON的话。

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