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使用 C# WinForms 应用程序访问其它应用程序元素
原标题:accessing another app s elements using C# WinForms app


  • to change Tabs
  • to Copy text from within a TextBox
  • to click on a Button
  • to enter text into a TextBox
  • to select DropDownList element


  • mouse_event() to change mouse coordinates and click on a button
  • another mouse_event(LeftMouseClick followed by the RightMouseClick) to copy a text within a TextBox
  • Clipboard.GetText(System.Windows.Forms.TextDataFormat.Text) to Copy what s inside the clipboard
  • SendInput (for each key) - enter the text into a TextBox


  • (not crucial) PC becomes unusable (you can t work while script is running)
  • I have to know exact pixels (read - position/coordinates) of EVERY element within an app
  • slow execution time (each key has to be typed separately)

我期待创建一个应用程序,可以点击文本框/按钮/列表 ,而不需要这些元素的精确坐标

Is such task possible with C# WinForms? My current approach works but it has it s flaws. Any advice?


有关Mutex 。如果你计划规模化,阅读网络通信(例如,TCP协议)。TcClient )。

这听起来像是"的工作 http://msdn.microsoft.com/ en- us/library/ms747327.aspx" rel = “nofollow” >UI Automation 。 我仅用它从另一个应用程序获取文本, 但它有功能按名称激活控制或在没有名称的情况下浏览控制树 。

您可以使用 < a href=> http://msdn.microsoft.com/ en- us/library/ system.windows.automation.automation.automationement.aspx" rel = "nofollow" > AutomationElement 获得文本并与控件进行互动。

有一个完整的框架来完成这类事情, 它叫做 < a href=" http://msdn.microsoft.com/ en- us/library/aa348551" rel=“ nofollow” >UI Automation 框架

Here s some examples on how to use it.
And you can also apply this technique to generic windows s using the UI Spy to determine the automation elements.

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