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从 Perl 时间戳到的天数
原标题:Finding age in days from timestamp in Perl


Problem: I have got a file that has list of file names and a timestamps (i.e. 2012-05-24T18:19:35.000Z) in it. I need to parse identify which of these are more that 90 days old.

我只需要支票,其他一切我想我已经到位了。当我去谷歌时,有人建议使用一些花哨的约会时间套件,而有些建议是使用 -M。

其实很困惑 感谢大家的帮助 谢谢



use POSIX  strftime ;
$_90_days_ago = strftime("%FT%T.000Z", gmtime( time-90*86400 ));

foreach $date (@your_list_of_dates) {
    if ($date lt $_90_days_ago) {
        print "$date was at least 90 days ago.
    } else {
        print "$date is less than 90 days ago.

此格式由RFC3339 (别具具体意义)和


#! perl -w

use strict;
use Time::Local;

# 90 times 24 hours of 60 minutes, 60 seconds
my $ninety_days = 24 * 60 * 60 * 90;
my $now = time;

# parse the time stamps in the file
while (<INPUTFILE>)

    if (/(d{4})-(d{2})-(d{2})T(d{2}):(d{2}):(d{2})/)
        my $year = $1;
        my $month = $2;
        my $day = $3;
        my $hour = $4;
        my $minute = $5;
        my $second = $6;

        # Looks like these are in GMT ("Z") so we ll use timegm
        my $time = timegm($second,$minute,$hour,$day,$month - 1,$year - 1900);

        if (($now - $time) > $ninety_days)
            print "$_ is more than 90 days ago!

(这只是最基本的 - 它需要关于打开数据文件的细节,等等)

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