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原标题:TimingFramework and System time

我在应用程序中遇到动画问题, 以及系统时间可以更改的事实。 我以这种方式创建动画对象 :

animator = new Animator(600, Animator.INFINITE, Animator.RepeatBehavior.REVERSE, setter);

The setter is an alpha property that is varying from 0.0 to 1.0. The problem is that whenever i change the system time, the animation stops/blocks. It restarts sometimes after a while, depending on the system time i set. Is there a way that i can fix this ? Thanks a lot.


Put in a Timer and schedule to work during the same time duration of the animator (timer s run method will instantiate the animator object). So whenever the animator stops it will be re-instantiated like the following way:
The timer methods check if the animator is working or not, and when the answer is negative, it will instantiate another animator with the same parameters but only to animate in a period time duration equal to the remaining time.


public void execute() {

public void start() {
    timer_ = new Timer() {
       public void run() {

public void update() {
    if (time > neededTime) {
    }else {
      if(!animator) {  //needs some optimization
        animator = new Animator( ....


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