English 中文(简体)
春天、 模型映射、 从jsp 获取属性
原标题:Spring, modelmap, getting attributes from the jsp

我开发了一个带有春季框架和其他一些框架的 MVC 应用程序( 我是一个初学者 ) 。 我有一个控制器来管理jsp 处理, 例如当我想在个人列表中添加新人时, 我调用一个瞬间化个人对象, 并将其传送到与添加方法相应的jsp 视图 。 我这样做的方法是这样的:

@RequestMapping(value = "/persons/add", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public String getAdd(Model model) {
    logger.debug("Received request to show add page");

    // Create new UserDomain and add to model
    // This is the formBackingOBject
    model.addAttribute("personAttribute", new UserDomain());

    // This will resolve to /WEB-INF/jsp/addpage.jsp
    return "addpage-tiles";

My problem is that now, I want to pass to add to the model two different Objects, for example, I want to pass the new UserDomain() and also an other object which is from an other table in my database, for example a new UserSecurity() . I think I should use a modelMap instead of the model.addAttribute... , but I can t do this, so if someone could help me. I get my model from the jsp by a code like :

<form:form modelAttribute="personAttribute" method="POST" action="${saveUrl}">
        <td><form:label path="firstName">First Name:</form:label></td>
        <td><form:input path="firstName"/></td>
        <td><form:label path="lastName">Last Name</form:label></td>
        <td><form:input path="lastName"/></td>
        <td><form:label path="userName">User name</form:label></td>
        <td><form:input path="userName"/></td>
        <td><form:label path="email">E-mail</form:label></td>
        <td><form:input path="email"/></td>
<input type="submit" value="Save" />



只需将多个对象传递到视图中就不成问题了,只需使用 < code> model.addAttrimitte 多次,然后您就可以访问两个对象。

但是,如果您想要编辑 > 中的多个模型, 您需要创建一个包含两个对象的类别 :

public class UserDomainSecurity {

    private UserDomain userDomain;
    private UserSecurity userSecurity;

    // getters and setters for both



 model.addAttribute("userDomainSecurity", new UserDomainSecurity());


<form:form commandName="userDomainSecurity" method="POST" action="${saveUrl}">
  <form:input path="userDomain.firstName"/>
  <form:input path="userSecurity.someSecurityProperty"/>



在此情况下,我假设你们是 " code > User Security 和 " code > UserDomain 彼此相对。


public class UserDomain {

     public UserSecurity userSecurity
     public String firstName;
     public String lastName;

     // getters and setters...

并且你有你的用户安全 类似的东西,

public class UserSecurity {

     public String someSecurityProperty;

     // getters and setters...

由于 usersecurity 财产可以公开查阅,所以您可以按您在主计长办公室所做的做,

@RequestMapping(value = "/persons/add", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public String getAdd(Model model) {
logger.debug("Received request to show add page");

// Create new UserDomain and add to model
// This is the formBackingOBject
model.addAttribute("userDomainSecurity", new UserDomain());

// This will resolve to /WEB-INF/jsp/addpage.jsp
return "addpage-tiles";

然后在添加页中访问它。 jsp 喜欢它像下面一样是一个物体属性,

<form:form commandName="userDomainSecurity" method="POST" action="${saveUrl}">
<form:input path="firstName />
<form:input path="lastname />
  <form:input path="userSecurity.someSecurityProperty"/>

您请注意, 我通过 UserDomain 类中宣布的属性访问某些安全财产 。

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