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MATLAB: 以不同顺序删除相同数值的重复行
原标题:MATLAB: Remove duplicate rows with same values in different order
  • 时间:2012-05-26 22:19:33
  •  标签:
  • matlab

我正试图从数据中找到相关的列, 并删除相关的列, 其函数如下 :

function [ correlated ] = correlated( data, threshold )
% data is m x m matrix
% threshold is correlation threshold

[i,j] = find(c>threshold);
A = [i,j]; 
% as A also includes 1 1; 2 2; 3 3; etc so I used above line that I found somewhere

%      6     4
%      8     4
%      4     6
%      8     6
%      4     8
%      6     8
%     14    11
%     11    14

% 它不应包含6 4 和4 6;我如何去掉所有这些排?


它不应包含6 4 和4 6;我如何去掉所有这些排?

uniqueA = unique(sort(A,2),  rows );


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