我试图在 Eclipse (Windows 7) 上调试 EPIC 下的 Perl 脚本, 当它进入调试器时, 当它由于子例程调用而跳到另一个包( 称为“ 用途. pm ” ) 的地方时, 它会给出以下的 Eclipse 错误 :
E:Perl is not a valid location for linked resources.
EPIC cannot access files located in folders on the path to the workspace folder, nor within the workspace folder itself.
An unexpected exception occurred while creating a link to E:/Perl/Utilities.pm
I am aware of this: eclipse: Not a valid location for linked resources and this: Eclipse gives error "... is not a valid location for linked resources." But I can t deduce from them how to solve my case.
地 铁
海伦 海伦 海伦
Eclipse版本 3.7.1 建筑M20110909-1335, EPIC版本0.6.44, Windows 7 上运行的主动 Perl 5.1.42。