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在 Smallaltal 中解析 RDF 中
原标题:Parsing RDF in Smalltalk

Is there any example, in any Smalltalk flavour, showing how to parse a RDF file? The only package I ve seen is Rikaiko with a RDFXMLReader class, but there are no references and it seems very undocummented.


我还在寻找类似的东西。 里海子本来是讨论这个问题的,但我还没有时间去真正地看它。这是我得到的关于法罗和穆斯的一些答案。

http://lists.gforge.inria.fr/pipermail/pharo-project/2012-February/059235.html As at 2012-02-07

我不知道卢旺达国防军对法罗的支持。 但是,拥有这样的支持肯定很酷,特别是在穆斯的情况下。 如果拉卡伊科有的话,我会很感兴趣,让我们知道你发现了什么。

Regarding XML, the more mature solution is XMLSupport. PetitXml is nice because it is based on PetitParser which is the central parsing engine in Moose, so in the long run I would prefer to use this one. But, the collateral libraries like XPath, or the support for objects factories are not yet available for it. -- Tudor Girba

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