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如何在运行时更改页面格式? (jasperreport)
原标题:how to Change Page Format in Runtime?(jasperreport)

我在iReport4.5中创建了A4格式的报告页,并在 Java 应用程序中使用。

如何在 java 应用程序运行时将 A4 格式更改为 A5 格式?




  1. First you could create a second report for the A5 format, and then at run time grab the appropriate report depending on what you want. This is probably the easiest solution, but it does mean you end up with almost 2 identical reports. Meaning any changes in the future you would have to do in two places.
  2. Second if it is a fairly straight forward report with a typical layout you could use something like Dynamic Jasper to generate your report in java code.
  3. Lastly you could work directly against the Jasper Report s API to generate your report at run time.

Now to answer your question. First load up the JRXml file into a JasperDesign object:
//Note JRXMLLoader could also take a File object or 
//InputStream instead of a String as the parameter.
JasperDesign design = JRXmlLoader.load("report.jrxml");

一旦您有了 < code> Jasperdesign , 您可以将页码大小设定为您想要的 。 从我可以看到的是5. 83" × 8. 27" 的 A5 纸张。 要将其转换为Jasper Reports 所理解的每个页数乘以 72 的大小, 使您得到 420 x 596 (按我们设置 Intestgers的方式我四舍五入 ) 。


从那里你像往常一样 在出口冒险上打折



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