English 中文(简体)
环绕循环的每次迭代周围的 jjquery 折叠 div [闭
原标题:jquery wrap div around each iteration of loop [closed]
  • 时间:2012-05-25 14:00:01
  •  标签:
  • jquery
  • json

此代码从正在做 json_ encode 的 php 文件中获取数据, 它正在从 csv 文件中提取信息 。 我希望在第二个循环中能够有一个父数据, 围绕每组数值。 我用新的 Div2 尝试过这一点, 但是它用. sub_ row 将每个. field 和. sub_ row 包在一起 。


 <div class="row"> // This one happens to only have one payment
     <div class="sum_field">Total: 79.99</div>
          <div class="field">BENV5239</div> // Details of payment
          <div class="field">11111</div>
 <div class="row"> // Based on Vendor ID
     <div class="sum_field">Total: 2487.01</div> // Sums up all payments for that Vendor
     <div class="field">BENV2137</div>
     <div class="field">11111</div>
     <div class="field">BENV2137</div>
     <div class="field">111111</div>
<div class="row"></div> // Another Vendor ID


 <div class="row">
     <div class="sum_field">Total: 200.00</div>
     <div class="sub_row">  // one payment
          <div class="field">BENV5239</div> // Details of payment
          <div class="field">11111</div>
 <div class="row">
     <div class="sum_field">Total: 2487.01</div>
  <div class="sub_row"> // each payment that has the same vendor id is in it s own div
     <div class="field">BENV2137</div> 
     <div class="field">11111</div>
 <div class="sub_row">
     <div class="field">BENV2137</div>
     <div class="field">111111</div>

PHP 代码码

 $(document).ready(function() {
 $.getJSON( WF-XML.php , function(data) {

    var prevCardCode =   ;
    var newDiv;

    $.each(data, function(index, element) {
        if (element[ CardCode ] != prevCardCode) {
            newDiv = $( <div/> ).addClass( row ).appendTo( #showdata );
            $( <div class="sum_field">  +  Total:   + element[ payment_sum ] +  </div> ).appendTo(newDiv);      
        prevCardCode = element[ CardCode ];

        $.each(element, function(key, value) {

            switch (key) {
                case  InvKey :
                case  PostDate :
                case  City :

                //newDiv2 = $( <div/> ).addClass( sub_row ).appendTo( .row );
                $( <div class="field">  + value +  </div> ).appendTo(newDiv);

JSON - 我翻翻了两次,第一次我只打印了这笔金额( 正在SQL内部计算, 第二次打印了其余的信息 ) 。 您可以看到最后的2个对象是同一销售商的 Id 。 因此, 我希望这能给每个新销售商加上一个父付款项, 然后给每个个人付款。 我的代码已经将每组付款都用父付款项包起来, 但我无法找到如何用父付款项包起来 。

 {"VendorID":"BENV5239","payment_sum":"79.99","Address":"525 Sapper St.","ZipCode":"19116"},
 {"VendorID":"BENV2137","payment_sum":"2487.01","InvPayAmnt":"108.92","Address":"340 Middle Road","ZipCode":"19037"},
 {"VendorID":"BENV2137","payment_sum":"2487.01","InvPayAmnt":"57.60","Address":"340 North Middle Road","ZipCode":"19037"}
 $(document).ready(function() {
 $.getJSON( WF-XML.php , function(data) {

var prevCardCode =   ;
var newDiv;

$.each(data, function(index, element) {
    if (element[ CardCode ] != prevCardCode) {
        newDiv = $( <div/> ).addClass( row ).appendTo( #showdata );
        $( <div class="sum_field">  +  Total:   + element[ payment_sum ] +  </div> ).appendTo(newDiv);      
    newDiv2 = $( <div/> ).addClass( sub_row ).appendTo(newDiv);
    prevCardCode = element[ CardCode ];

    $.each(element, function(key, value) {

        switch (key) {
            case  InvKey :
            case  PostDate :
            case  City :

            //newDiv2 = $( <div/> ).addClass( sub_row ).appendTo( .row );
            $( <div class="field">  + value +  </div> ).appendTo(newDiv2);




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