English 中文(简体)
hw 能够比较两个 perl hashes( 钥匙和值) 提取差异, 并应用到 javastrash 中的大麻
原标题:hw can i compare two perl hashes (keys and values) extract difference and apply to a hash in javascript

Cavinat,我希望我问的是正确的问题, 你可以随意建议其他选择。

Situation; I have a site written mainly in javascript that runs on fixed and mobile devices. The site is data heavy. It maps a load of moving objects and other interactions. Each client receives an update to the data from the server every few seconds, and so, I need to minimise the amount of data sent. Currently, the server sends a rather large hash containing the current state of all the objects on each update. This is very inefficient because much of the data remains unchanged.



当我说比较时,我的意思是关键和价值观。 目前,杂交不是以任何特定方式订购的,但是,如果需要的话,这不是一个问题。

我研究过数据:比较, 但是它似乎只是告诉我, 如果杂交是不同的, 而不是区别是什么(除非我看错了吗?) 。


我对从服务器向客户端发送不同对象( JSON 格式) 的问题也有同样的问题。 我们提出的解决方案非常简单。 由于没有官方或标准的方法来表达json 对象之间的差异, 我们想出了自己的协议, 如何定义添加的对象, 哪些是更新的对象( 即这些被修改( 添加/更新/ 删除) 对象的属性), 哪些是完全删除的对象 。


  added: [
    /* array of new objects */
  removed: [
    /* array of object identifiers that need to be removed */
  updated: { /* key value pairs of object identifiers with their property maps */
    obj_id_01: {
      updated: { /* key-value pairs of updated properties */ },
      removed: [ /* array of keys of removed properties in an object */ ]
    obj_id_02: {


my $bef = {
  name =>  Fred ,
  wife =>  Wilma ,
  hobby =>  Breaking Rocks ,
  friends => [qw! Barney Wilma Betty !],

my $aft = { 
  name =>  Fred ,
  pet =>  Dino ,
  hobby =>  Bowling ,
  friends => [qw! Barney Betty Dino !],
  kids => [qw! Bam Pebbles !],

my $differ = Lecstor::FeedProxy::Diff->new;

my $diff = $diff->differences($bef, $aft);

$diff: {
   pet  =>  Dino ,
   wife  => undef,
   hobby  =>  Bowling ,
   friends  => {
     remove  => [  Wilma  ],
     add  => [  Dino  ]
   kids  => {
     add  => [  Bam ,  Pebbles  ]

https://github.com/lecstor/Lecstor/blob/master/lib/Lecstor/FeedProxy/Diff.pm < /a>

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