English 中文(简体)
Emberjs 路由器: 当url hash 被更改时, 状态不会改变
原标题:Emberjs Router: state does not change when the url hash is changed

Emberjs core has a new router implementation which extends Ember.StateManager. This is the basic router I have currently implemented (using coffeescript):

Emee.set "stateManager", Ember.Router.create
    location: "hash"
    enableLogging: true

    start: Ember.State.extend
        index: Ember.State.extend
            route: "/"
            connectOutlets: (manager) ->

        tasks: Ember.State.extend
            route: "/tasks"

            index: Ember.State.extend
                route: "/"

            show: Ember.State.extend
                route: "/show"

        users: Ember.State.extend
            route: "/users"

            index: Ember.State.extend
                route: "/"

Emee是我的Ember命名空间 我有几个问题要问:

1) When a page is loaded with a url with a hash http://localhost:3000/#tasks it moves to the correct start.tasks.index state, but on hashChange it just sends a message to the routePath of the current state. Emee.stateManager.route("/tasks") also does the same thing. It does not change the state and sends a message to routePath of the current state. Do we need to implement routePath ourselves? If not how do we change state by providing a route?

2( 2) 我可以看到许多改变, 哪个函数会被调用到进入状态。 从现在起, “ 连接输出” 似乎是调用进入状态的函数的名称 。 现在这个页面是否是设置控制器的正确页面?


更新了最新版本的混合代码。 我的路由器现在看起来像这个:

Emee.Router = Ember.Router.extend
    location: "hash"
    enableLogging: true

    root: Ember.State.extend
        index: Ember.State.extend
            route: "/"
            redirectsTo:  tasks.index 

        tasks: Ember.State.extend
            route: "/tasks"

            index: Ember.State.extend
                route: "/"
                connectOutlets: (manager) ->
                    console.log("in index");

            show: Ember.State.extend
                route: "/show"
                connectOutlets: (manager) ->
                    console.log("in show");

        users: Ember.State.extend
            route: "/users"

            index: Ember.State.extend
                route: "/"


前向和后向浏览器按钮仍然不起作用。 它们称为 < code> routePath , 它们只是返回, 因为它们都是叶节点。 我认为我漏掉了一些小东西, 但无法将手指放在它上 。


This seems to be a bug in the current implementation of the router Check out the comment left by the developers at https://github.com/emberjs/ember.js/issues/887#issuecomment-5946213 for a workaround.


最后钉钉钉如下:)至0.9.8.1时,我们需要调整https://github.com/emberjs/ember.js/issues/887#issuesimissuescomment-5946213 提供的工作。如下,在创建 Ember.Location 对象时,将“实施”改为“风格”。

  setupStateManager: function(stateManager) {
    var location = Ember.get(stateManager,  location );

    if (typeof location ===  string ) {
      location = Ember.Location.create({style: location});
      Ember.set(stateManager,  location , location);

    location.onUpdateURL(function(url) {
      stateManager.transitionTo( root );


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