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iOS 中应用器云推进通知
原标题:Appcelerator cloud push notification in iOS

我在iOS中应用了这个教程 < a href=" http://blog.teemusk.com/2012/05/building-server-push-notifications-with- appcelerator-titanium-cloud/comment-page-1/#comment-7696"。我已经按照上述文件做了一切。注册时没有出错 。

在云端控制台,我可以看到 < 坚固> 1 iOS 客户端订阅强制通知 < / 坚固> 。 一切似乎都很好,但我无法收到强制通知。 (即使我重新启动了iPhone)




Make sure you have the correct gateway selected on the server side. The easiest way is to check your mobileprovisioning profile and look for "aps-environment" string. If it is set to "development" you need to use Development (aka Sandbox) gateway. If it is set to "production" you need to use Apple Push Production gateway.

This link might be interesting too: http://www.pushwoosh.com/programming-push-notification/appcelerator-titanium-push-notification/


这可能与您的证书有问题 。 您应该启用 p12 证书中的催化通知, 并且应该在 ACS 设置中适当配置它 。 请参见 iOS 中的 < a href=> 请求通知 。 < a href=> http://www. titaniumtutory.com/2012/07/ appcelerator- cloud- push- notification- in. html" rel= “ nofollow” > Appperator Cloud 推进通知

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