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IBM WAS7的网络服务电话中遇到的问题
原标题:Facing issue in Webservice Call from IBM WAS7

我在Oracle Weblogic 11G上设置了一个网络服务。

The Client stubs for this web service is built using IBM WAS 7 inbuilt script (WSDL2JAVA.SH). The stub is then used to call the web service and has been deployed on IBM WAS7.






[5/24/12 13:02:27:655 GMT+05:30] 00000027 SystemErr R java.lang.ClassCastException: com.ibm.ws.webservices.engine.xmlsoap.SOAPElement incompatible with java.lang.String [5/24/12 13:02:27:655 GMT+05:30] 00000027 SystemErr R at $Proxy21.inquireFinnOneLMS(Unknown Source) [5/24/12 13:02:27:655 GMT+05:30] 00000027 SystemErr R at com.iflex.fcat.hdfc_ln.LNRoot.sendRequest(LNRoot.java:1296) [5/24/12 13:02:27:655 GMT+05:30] 00000027 SystemErr R at com.iflex.fcat.hdfc_ln.RSLoanAccountSummaryBean.doProcess(RSLoanAccountSummaryBean.java:175)


这个问题被发现在IBM WAS服务器上,并被固定在下一个FixPack。



您是否在提供 Wsdl2java 的 Wsdl 文件或服务本身服务的 Wsdl URL 上运行 Wsdl2java?


您是否运行了 endptEnabler.sh (或 endptEnabler.bat) 。

- & gt; netptEnabler.sh - v - CCtraceall - CCtracefiles=/ tmp/ trace.log myEAR.ear

检查此选项的细节 ;

http://www.ibm.com/ Developmenterworks/websphere/techjournal/0404_bose/0404_bose.html" rel=“no follow'>http://www.ibm.com/developers/websphere/techjournal/0404_bose/0404_bose.html

Here is a link where an issue related to endptEnabler was reported and resolved http://fixunix.com/websphere/558857-accessing-jax-ws-endpoint.html


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