English 中文(简体)
我该如何从帮手班派弦乐队去JText Field?
原标题:How do I send String to JTextField from helper class?

例如,在下面的代码中,我想修改 JTextField 来显示端口的扫描是否打开, 但我不知道该如何操作。 也许我需要一些辅助方法?

public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent arg0) {
  console.setText("Starting check
" +
    "Start = "+stopServTf.getText()+
Stop ="+stopServTf.getText()+
Port Start ="+startPortTf.getText()+
Port Stop ="+stopPortTf.getText());
  PortScanner p= new PortScanner(Integer.parseInt(startPortTf.getText()),


public   PortScanner(int portStart, int portStop ,String ip) {
  for (int i = portStart; i <= portStop; i++) {
    try {
      Socket ServerSok = new Socket(ip, i);
      //System.out.println("Port in use: " + i);
    } catch (Exception e) {
    System.out.println("Port not in use: " + i);

public static String setString(int i) {
  return "Port in use: " +i;

public static String setStrinN(int i){
  return "Port not in use: "+i;

所以我要发送到 condole. setText ();


当您调用 setString(i); 时,该函数返回一个被丢弃的字符串( 即不存储任何地方 ) 。 您要么需要存储字符串, 然后再取回它, 如果您想要调用 concolole. setText() 与该返回的字符串, 您需要将 < code> concolole 传给 < code> 到 < code> PortScanner 构建器 :

public PortScanner(int portStart, int portStop, String ip, JTextArea console)

将调用电话改为 setString(i);


此外(由于 < code> PortScanner 构建器已更改),调用

 PortScanner p= new PortScanner(Integer.parseInt(startPortTf.getText()),

actionPerfact ()



  • Be sure to do your port scanning in a background thread with respect to the Swing GUI, such as one provided by a SwingWorker.
  • When updating any Swing components, be sure to do this on the Swing event thread, the EDT. Again, a SwingWorker will help as it has facilities to automate this (publish/process).
  • Give your GUI class a public method that would allow outside classes to update its textfield, such as public void consoleSetText(String text)
  • Pass a reference to the GUI class into the helper class, so that the helper class can call the above mentioned method. It would of course call the method on the Swing event thread, using the SwingWorker process(...) method.

Edit 1
this is an example of what I am suggestion:

class PortScannerGui {
   private JTextField startPortTf;
   private JTextField stopPortTf;
   private JTextField console;
   private JTextField stopServTf;
   private JTextField startServTf;

   // ... lots of code mising

   public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent arg0) {
      console.setText("Starting check
" + "Start = " + stopServTf.getText()
            + "
Stop =" + stopServTf.getText() + "
Port Start ="
            + startPortTf.getText() + "
Port Stop =" + stopPortTf.getText());

      new SwingWorkerPortScannerWrapper(this, 

   public void setConsoleText(String text) {

class SwingWorkerPortScannerWrapper extends SwingWorker<Void, Integer> {
   private PortScannerGui gui;
   private PortScanner portScanner;

   public SwingWorkerPortScannerWrapper(PortScannerGui gui, int portStart,
         int portStop, String ip) {
      this.gui = gui;
      portScanner = new PortScanner(portStart, portStop, ip);

   protected Void doInBackground() throws Exception {
      portScanner.addPropertyChangeListener(new PropertyChangeListener() {

         public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent evt) {
            if (PortScanner.PORT_IN_USE_NUMBER.equals(evt.getPropertyName())) {
               publish((Integer) evt.getNewValue());

      return null;

   protected void process(List<Integer> chunks) {
      for (Integer chunk : chunks) {
         gui.setConsoleText("Port in use: " + chunk);

class PortScanner {
   public static final String PORT_IN_USE_NUMBER = "port in use number";
   public static final String STRIN_N = "strinN";
   private int portStart;
   private int portStop;
   private String ip;
   private int string;
   private PropertyChangeSupport propChangeSupport = new SwingPropertyChangeSupport(
   private int portInUseNumber;

   public PortScanner(int portStart, int portStop, String ip) {
      this.portStart = portStart;
      this.portStop = portStop;
      this.ip = ip;


   public void addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener listener) {

   public void scan() {
      for (int i = portStart; i <= portStop; i++) {
         try {
            Socket ServerSok = new Socket(ip, i);

            // System.out.println("Port in use: " + i);

         } catch (UnknownHostException e) {
         } catch (IOException e) {
         System.out.println("Port not in use: " + i);

   public void setStrinN(int i) {
      // TODO do something with this?

   public void setPortInUseNumber(int i) {
      int oldValue = portInUseNumber;
      int newValue = i;
      portInUseNumber = i;
      propChangeSupport.firePropertyChange(PORT_IN_USE_NUMBER, oldValue,


您需要能够访问您的 JText Field 实例, 有两个方法可以做到这一点:

  • pass a variable to the PortScanner class as a local variable
  • have a static reference to the frame that contains the textfield (or to the textfield itself) so that you can access it from wherever you want


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